<zitiere wer="Jonas Smedegaard">
> Frank Weißer wrote:
>> <zitiere wer="Maximilian Wilhelm">
>>>RAID 5: (distributed space management)
>>>=====================================>> * at least 3 disc (normally equal
>>> size)
>>> * If all disc have the same size
>>>   size(RAID) = (n - 1 / n) * disc size.
>>> * If one disc failes, replace it and be happy.
>>>So you would have ~108GB useable space.
>> hmm, i always thought 3,75*36GB would be something like 135GB ;-)
> Maybe it's just me, but how do you end up using 3,75? Are you perhaps
> setting up a RAID consisting of 4,75 disks?
> (more likely you are quoting a different formula than the one you are
> using).

Can't see that: (4 - 1/4) = 3.75 , isn't it, or the () have to be set in
another way!



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