Dear all,

I have for some time been thinking about making a 3d model of our mascot, so
it can more easily be rendered in almost any scene.

I therefore asked my "mother in law" to help me make a clay model of it so
that it will be easier to model.

In that process we ended up discussing the possibility to have a female
version of the mascot, and the first and early version of the female clay
model has already been made

If anyone would like to have a look and give me feedback, then you can find
some pictures here:

The picture quality is poor and it leaves out some of the details, but it
will give an impression. It has been made without any clay tools and put
together in less than an hour, so hopefully the next and bigger version will
be even better.

By the way the name of the suggested female mascot is Iselin,

If anyone would be interested in helping out modeling the mascot(s) in
Blender then please let me know, I am only a novice blender user myself.

Have a nice day/weekend!

Arnt Ove Gregersen

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