Onsdag 5. januar 2011 13.22.43 skrev Jean-Charles Skolelinux :
> I don't know how disable splashy :(
> I'm looking for a tutorial but I don't find...

Look in the file "default", either in 
/var/lib/tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg/default or in 

(If you can't see it there, look for it, with something like 
"locate default|grep pxelinux.cfg")

There just add/edit the word "nosplash" add the end of the line that 
starts with "append". 

If you only have one line in default-file, then just add "nosplash" at 
the end of that line.

Make sure that you do not have the word "splash" there.

Klaus Ade
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