On Mon, Mar 26, 2012 at 11:05:41AM +0200, Petter Reinholdtsen wrote:
> The fix for gosa.conf is not upgradable, so we need to come up with a
> better idea.
> When upgrading squeeze-test to the new version of debian-edu-config
> with the new gosa.conf file, a conffile question is asked and both
> options (keeping the old or upgrading to the new file) are wrong.
> The old file have the password quoting issue and the correct LDAP
> password, the new file have a fix for the password quoting issue but
> lack the correct LDAP password.
> If I pick the old one the security issue is still present.  If I pick
> the new one, gosa stop working completely.
> Anyone got an idea how to fix this for upgrades?

Maybe provide a script that patches gosa.conf (or the files Samuel 
proposed to modify)? 

It could perhaps be a script called fix-squeeze-r0 or such that does the 
password fix as well.


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