
I kind of answer my self.

I can see I have a lot of 
changes to do. ldap can be edited via ldapvi to reflect the new 
settings, and then /etc/samba/smb.conf has to be edited, but will this 
be enough?

Anyone that has done this before?
Problem its not 
only a ldap issue, since debian-edu comes with many services 
preinstalled, so its hard to know what has to be edited. I found a 
reference in 
http://wiki.debian.org/DebianEdu/Documentation/Squeeze/AllInOne in 
section 3.1.3 but its not enough, at least for me, to find out how to do

Anyone done this? Or knows about further references or helper scripts, if they 
are around.

Kindly  /George

--- Den ons 2012-04-25 skrev George <joj...@yahoo.se>:

Från: George <joj...@yahoo.se>
Ämne: Change base domain in ldap
Till: debian-edu@lists.debian.org
Datum: onsdag 25 april 2012 15:10


Ive googled around to try to find out if its possible to change the base domain 
in debian-edu to fit our school. Well, Ive found out that of course it is, but 
not really how to do it...

Is it enough to just edit base domain and sudoers in /etc/ldap/ldap.conf and 
then reboot, or restart ldap? Will that break things? If it does, are there any 
good guide out there on how to do this? We want to change because we plan to 
use the built in email server for the students.

Regards  /George

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