On Thu, Mar 14, 2013 at 06:56:05AM +0100, Petter Reinholdtsen wrote:
> [Wolfgang Schweer]
> > Seems to be that there is no effect to Debian installer caused by this
> > script (which works quite well if executed manually).
> You should get upload rights to be able to test these things quicker.

Well, maybe. Would need some mentoring, though.
> > AFAICS ltsp-client-builder udeb is used for installation of ltsp 
> > chroot. Any idea how to integrate the fix if debian-edu-ltsp isn't 
> > used?
> I believe the proper place to add changes and overrides to the LTSP 
> build is in /usr/share/ltsp/plugins/ltsp-build-client/Debian-custom/. 
> It will be used by both debian-edu-ltsp and ltsp-client-builder.
I already had a look at those hooks, but IMO modifications there 
wouldn't change a thing.  AFAIK the place for fixing the debconf data 
base and doing dpkg --reconfigure -a could only take place in the 
ltsp-client-builder udeb itself.  So my conclusion is to seek the fix 
for the problem in tasksel/list of packages to install/preseeding 
instead of working around the problem.

To figure out possible reasons for the failing ltsp chroot installation 
I tried to install a thin client server with a thin only chroot by an 
additional local preseeding of ltsp-client-builder.  (The commandline 
argument edu-skip-ltsp-make-client didn't seem to work for some reason.)

# Workaround for dictionary-common 
dictionaries-common dictionaries-common/default-wordlist Manual symlink setting
dictionaries-common dictionaries-common/default-ispell american (American 
# Install chroot only for thin clients
d-i ltsp-client-builder/build-client-opts string --no-diskless-edu-workstation
# Force fast connection
d-i mirror/country string manual
d-i mirror/http/hostname string mirror.netcologne.de
d-i mirror/http/directory string /debian

The ltsp chroot installation succeeded this way, only some minor issues 
in parts related to the stripped down installation. Link to log files:


(testsuite/ltsp failed -- probably due to a non fqdn hostname, had to be 
killed; NFS actually works.)


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