On Thu, Apr 25, 2013 at 09:33:13PM +0200, Petter Reinholdtsen wrote:
> I propose we put the first alpha release in 
> <URL: ftp://ftp.skolelinux.no/skolelinux-cd/wheezy/ >, and call the
> ISO debian-edu~7.0+edu0~a0-CD.iso.  Note, the ISO placed there now is
> not the final alpha0 image.  The file name and ISO label is modelled
> after the Squeeze ISO file names and ISO label.
> The release notes need to be updated with download instructions and
> testing instructions.
> If no-one report any problems with the current build, I want to stamp
> the next ISO build as alpha0.  It will get a new ISO label, but that
> is about it.
> Wolfgang, can you wrap up the release notes and announce it when it is
> done?  <URL:http://wiki.debian.org/DebianEdu/ReleaseNotes/Wheezy >
> look good, but please everyone check it out if there is anything
> missing?
Should be done now. Anything missing still?


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