On Tue, Feb 24, 2015 at 11:37:04PM +0100, Wolfgang Schweer wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 24, 2015 at 11:11:28AM +0100, Wolfgang Schweer wrote:
> > 
> > The upgraded system has been tested so far with LTSP clients (both thin 
> > and diskless, both backbone and LTSP network) and workstations

To test if Windows clients would work, a stock wheezy workstation with 
additional Samba disguise was used. After 'smbpasswd -e Administrator' 
on tjener and 'rpc net join -S tjener -U administrator' on the 
workstation the system showed up in the GOsa² gui as windows-workstation. 
Loggging in and accessing the home directory (libpam-mount, cifs) worked 
as well.

> To be continued.
Various tests later, here's the updated recipe including instructions 
how to migrate from squid to squid3, how to deal with changes 
concerning cups and how to clean up the system.

So far, I haven't found anything that doesn't work, but it needs 
testing, confirmation and review by others before the wiki chapter 
can be updated.

How to upgrade from wheezy to jessie.
Please note that the following instructions apply to a default
Debian Edu main server installation (desktop=kde, profiles
Main-Server, Workstation, Thin-Client-Server).
(For a general overview concernig wheezy to jessie upgrade, see:

Don't use X, use a virtual console, log in as root.
Read all debconf information carefully, choose 'keep the local
version currently installed'; in most cases hitting return will
be fine. Press 'q' to quit the apt-listchanges pager once
you've read the information.

Make sure the current system is up-to-date.
apt-get update
apt-get -y upgrade

Remove diversion; debian-edu-config's postinst seems to do it too late.
dpkg-divert --remove /usr/share/pam-configs/krb5
rm /usr/share/pam-configs/edu-krb5

Avoid to mess up the Kerberos configuration via cfengine.
cp /etc/krb5.conf /etc/krb5.conf.backup

Do the actual upgrade.
sed -i 's/wheezy/jessie/g' /etc/apt/sources.list
apt-get update
apt-get -y dist-upgrade
apt-get -f install
apt-get -y dist-upgrade
(Repeat the last two commands if dpkg exits with an error code.)

Install squid3 as replacement for deprecated squid.
apt-get -y install squid3
service squid3 stop

Apply debian-edu configuration (takes some time).
cfengine-debian-edu -D installation

Replace squid with squid3, keep the cache; a new swap file will be
generated and the cache index be rebuilt upon first squid3 start.
service squid stop
umount /var/spool/squid
sed -i 's#/var/spool/squid#/var/spool/squid3#' /etc/fstab
mount /var/spool/squid3
service squid3 start
apt-get -y purge squid squid-common

Get back the right Kerberos file.
cp /etc/krb5.conf.backup /etc/krb5.conf

Make GOsa² work with new php version.
rm /etc/gosa/gosa.secrets
cp /etc/gosa/gosa.conf.orig /etc/gosa/gosa.conf

Install newly split out cups package needed for networked printing.
apt-get -y install cups-browsed

Install additional package to make PXE work.
apt-get -y install pxelinux

Update PXE configuration.

Install missing packages; the package names were obtained using
'/usr/lib/debian-edu-config/testsuite/taskpkgs | grep error:'
after the step above.
apt-get -y install browser-plugin-libreoffice gosa-plugin-netgroups \
killer libnss-myhostname goplay icedtea-7-plugin tmispell-voikko

Cleaning up.
for i in $(dpkg -l|grep ^rc|cut -d' ' -f3);do dpkg -P $i;done

Check if the upgraded system works.
Reboot and test if it works like before:
Log in as first user and test if the GOsa² gui is working, if you're
able to connect LTSP clients and workstations, if you can add/remove
a netgroup membership of a system, if you can send and receive
internal email, if you can manage printers and maybe other site
specific things. Use the testsuite scripts if you spot an error.


Update LTSP chroot (default arch i386) as root.
sed -i '/jessie/ s/deb/#deb/g' /opt/ltsp/i386/etc/apt/sources.list
ltsp-chroot -m apt-get update
ltsp-chroot -m apt-get -y upgrade
sed -i 's/wheezy/jessie/g' /opt/ltsp/i386/etc/apt/sources.list
ltsp-chroot -m apt-get update
ltsp-chroot -m apt-get -y dist-upgrade
ltsp-chroot -m apt-get -f install
ltsp-chroot -m apt-get -y dist-upgrade
(Repeat the last two commands if dpkg still errors out.)

Install missing packages in the LTSP chroot.
ltsp-chroot -m apt-get -y install browser-plugin-libreoffice killer \
libnss-myhostname goplay icedtea-7-plugin tmispell-voikko

Cleaning up.
ltsp-chroot -m apt-get --purge autoremove

Update LTSP support on the server side.


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