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from #debian-system on IRC:

<h01ger> hi. do you have any idea about what causes / how to fix #780461? 
(delayed hostname update via DHCP)
<mbiebl> h01ger: can you pastebin the hook somewhere?
<mbiebl> h01ger: is that behaviour specific to systemd or also happening under 
<mbiebl> how exactly is the network configured?
<mbiebl> 15min sounds a bit excessive and doesn't look like the internal 90s 
timeout systemd uses for services to start
<h01ger> mbiebl_:
config/1.817/etc/dhcp/dhclient-exit-hooks.d/hostname/ has the hook (re: 
<h01ger> mbiebl_: its the same hook as we used in wheezy with sysv
<h01ger> not sure how sunweaver configured his network... but he is here, so 
<mbiebl> h01ger, sunweaver: my suggestion would be, to boot with 
systemd.debug-shell on the kernel command line
<mbiebl> then inspect the system on tty9 while it is "waiting"
<mbiebl> output of ps aux
<mbiebl> systemd-cgls
<mbiebl> and systemdctl list-jobs
<mbiebl> might give us a clue
<h01ger> mind if i add this to the bug?
<mbiebl> not at all


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