Control: forcemerge #793678 -1

Hi all,

On  Sa 27 Sep 2014 15:57:23 CEST, Wolfgang Schweer wrote:

On Sat, Sep 27, 2014 at 01:29:15PM +0200, Giorgio Pioda wrote:
> > administration.
> I had a closer look, and one fix would be to tell cups to treat all
> members of one of the groups granting privileges as a system user.
> This can be done by adding the to the list of privileged groups in
> /etc/cups/cups-files.conf, using the SystemGroup statement.  We have
> two privileged groups at the moment.  The gosa-admins group and the
> teachers group.

+1 for the teachers group administering CUPS

My experience at school tells me to propose:

Use the jradmins group. This way not all teachers are automatically
allowed to manage printers. And there would be the possibility to add
skilled and reliable students to the jradmins group as well as teachers
(via GOsa²).

/etc/cups/cups-files.conf: s/SystemGrouup lpadmin/SystemGroup jradmins/

Sites are different, so my option is to keep the cups configuration
untouched and document this issue in the manual.


I have just committed a fix for this, unfortunately ignoring earlier discussions and preferences.

The chosen path now adds a group "printer-admins" to LDAP when bootstrapping and make the initial user a member of that group.

Furthermore, a /etc/cups/cups-files-debian-edu.conf is provided, setting the SystemGroup to printer-admins.

Hope that's ok with everyone (I only now found the history of this bug after I already had committed the above).

This, of course, will be targetting Debian Edu stretch, I'd say.


mike gabriel, herweg 7, 24357 fleckeby
fon: +49 (1520) 1976 148

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