On Wed, Oct 14, 2015 at 01:31:04PM +0000, Mike Gabriel wrote:
> On  Mo 13 Jul 2015 11:07:18 CEST, Wolfgang Schweer wrote:
> >On IRC sunweaver pointed out that the existence of /etc/cups/client.conf
> >would break setting up locally attached printers (via locally running
> >cups). While this is true in general, there's a way to have local
> >printer(s) (attached to real workstations) configured centrally on
> >tjener. To get this working install the package p910nd on the
> >workstation and configure it, see man p910nd. (For a USB printer you
> >would set P910ND_OPTS="-f /dev/usb/lp0" and P910ND_START=1 in
> >/etc/default/p910nd.) Then you can set up this printer on tjener as
> >AppSocket/HP Jetdirect printer using 'socket://<workstation-ip>:9100' as
> >URI. For diskless workstations a similar app socket tool is available by
> >default, see the jessie manual how to set up printers attached to LTSP
> >clients.
> The question now remains: shall we simply ship /etc/cups/client.conf as
> package file in debian-edu-config or treat/create-if-not-there that file
> with cfengine.

As the file only makes sense along with the instructions, it would IMO 
be best to add these to a Printing Know How chapter of the manual and to 
avoid shipping/creating the file.


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