Hi all,

I read the thread as well as the original query as shared on the
mailing list. There seems to be two distinct activities happening here

a. Finding and creation of tools and syllabus

b. Packaging and maintaining a distro.

The first thing I would suggest is to be very clear where you want to
focus. While the first may look easy it is actually a gigantic task.
The links that Jonas has shared, especially the work done by Dr.
Kannan introducing Computer Science at a very young age is/was
extremely commendable. It was and is miles ahead than most IT products
targeted at children. There is need to update the look and also add
new concepts but that is a different question altogether. I would
suggest to look at all those alternatives before even thinking on
going on that plane. It is an expensive proposition and would take lot
of management bandwidth which FSFTN could use more productively

b.  Packaging and maintaining a distro. :- Again a somewhat fool-hardy
idea. Unless you have some good financing behind you, I would suggest
not to go for it. What I would suggest is at the most just add/change
the themes and see if you could do that. If there are any gaps in the
software, talk to upstream (developer who has made the software and is
maintaining the software without any favor to a particular
distribution) and try getting it fixed there. Let's just say if your
alternative doesn't work, you are back to square one without being
able to show anything for your  efforts. Just as Jonas pointed out,
maintaining is a long-term battle. Even Debian with a major volunteer
needs sponsors for it's long-term support cycle
https://lists.debian.org/debian-publicity/2016/05/msg00018.html. At
the end, it's your time and your choice, although do concur Jonas's
approach in this case.

Look forward to know what path you take.
          Shirish Agarwal  शिरीष अग्रवाल
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