On Tue, Jun 27, 2017 at 03:19:03PM +0200, Giorgio Pioda wrote:
> here some more observations, consider that I have
> a mixed tjener+ws setup on QEMU/KVM on the
> upgrade instructions.

Thanks for the feedback.
> Additional d-i questions:
> *********************************
> samba.conf at 80% kept
> ntp.conf at 83% kept
> (after tftp/inetd.conf)
> aufofs at 95% kept
> smb-debian-edu.conf 98% kept
> 50-unattended upgrades at 99% kept
> ******************************


> After squid & apache2 recommended setup:
> apache2 not restarting

You might get more information from the output of:

'systemctl status apache2 -l'
> dpkg -P php5-imagick fails (not installed)

Might be due to different install medium (USB vs. CD); I used the BD 

> And the worst is that apparently I'm not able 
> to reboot on the 4.9 kernel, the 3.16 is in place
> and bootable.

Any details about this error?


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