On Tue, Mar 15, 2022 at 11:06 AM Wolfgang Schweer <w.schw...@gmx.de> wrote:

> Since the Debian 10 ("buster") release, also official Debian Edu
> specific ISO images are provided.
> At release and point release days, all Debian ISO images are built and
> tested, included the Edu ones; coordination happens on IRC (#debian-cd),
> documentation on wiki.debian.org (account required).
> In the past, I've tested the Debian Edu specific images but can't do
> this for the time being; it would be nice if others could step up doing
> this in the future.

Maybe this is a silly question, but is there any kind of automation for
testing? Or everything needs to be done manually?
Are there any specific steps that describe how to do testing properly? Are
you just testing the installation from the CD, or other things as well?

Maybe I am missing something, but I don't understand why DebianEdu needs
special ISOs. In my opinion it would be much more convenient if you start
from a basic/standard Debian system, and install DebianEdu on top of it
(with tasksel, packages, scripts, etc.)
This would also be in the Debian spirit (that you can bootstrap and install
it, without an ISO being necessary).


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