Hi, The first meeting is today. If the time is suitable for you, I'd invite you to participate, even if you know everything about DebianEdu. At least you can learn how to test DebianEdu with LXD, participate in discussions, help me in explaining things properly and correctly, etc.
When: Friday, 14 October, 6:30 PM ยป 8:00 PM (UTC+2) <https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=DebianEdu+Training&iso=20221014T1630&p1=1440&ah=1&am=30> Where: BBB room <https://ocw.fs.al/mod/bigbluebuttonbn/view.php?id=1201> Topics: - Install main-server. - Open GOsa and add manually a test user. - Test an LTSP diskless client (on the LTSP network). - Test an LTSP diskless client (on the main network). - Test a thin (X2Go) client. - Import user accounts from a CSV file. - Import student accounts in a certain division/subdirectory. Regards, Dashamir