Hi folks, especially Wolfgang and Mike,

I am trying to evaluate what parts would be still missing if someone™
tried to bring in AlekSIS[1] as an LDAP manager, in the light of
ongoing concerns with GOSa²'s maintenance[2]. AlekSIS is currently
making progress with LDAP write-support.

Originally, my goal with AlekSIS in Debian Edu was to make the LDAP
directory fully optional, but with that project being pushed back by
other projects – one of these being LDAP management with AlekSIS –
I started wondering whether we should start with an intermediate goal
of using AlekSIS for LDAP management in Debian Edu first.

Pondering that, I wondered whether instead of mimicing GOSa², we could
kill two birds with one stone[3] and migrate to Samba 4 AD. So, in
conclusion, this would be a good way forward if we could fulfill all
of the following requirements:

 * Automatically migrate GOSA²'s LDAP directory to Samba 4's
   * Ideally without having to touch the client configuration
     (right now)
 * Manage Samba 4's LDAP using AlekSIS
 * Keep support for the parts depending on legacy concepts like
   NIS netgroups

I know that it is most probably too late in the development cycle to
make such a change, but it also occurs to me that having two possible
ways forward might be better than one, considering that I will not get
my hands dirty in a necrophiliac act of porting GOSa² to PHP 8 ;).

With all that in mind, I would like to collect the following
information from those actively developing and/or supporting Debian
Edu in the field:

 * How do you use GOSa², apart from handling a flat tree of users,
   groups and machines? Especially:
   * Do you structure your directory in branches? If so, is this
     of a high importance to your use of Debian Edu?
   * Are there important features that you consider unique to GOSa²
     that you would not want to miss?
 * Do you employ custom use-cases for NIS netgroups, apart from
   locking/unlocking internet access?
 * Do you have Windows clients, and if yes, how do you currently
   support them in your Debian Edu network?

I'd be happy to get two or three replies to drive my thought process


[1]: https://aleksis.org/
[2]: https://lists.debian.org/debian-edu/2022/10/msg00062.html
[3]: Seriously, native English speakers? Why do you kill birds instead
     of flies?

Dominik George (1. Vorstandsvorsitzender)
Teckids e.V. — Digitale Freiheit mit Jugend und Bildung

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