
I can't login on diskless-workstations neither on .intern nor on ltsp.

What I've done:
Installed DebianEdu 11 main server, workstation and ltsp server from debian-edu-11.6.0-amd64-netinst.iso
on a RAID5 array with 5 hdd and seperate /boot partition
Saved /etc/network/interfaces during installation, since it gets replaced with a not working eth1 ip v6 address instead of
Restored /etc/network/interfaces before rebooting.
Waited after reboot, 'til RAID5 / x2go stuff stop being busy.
Ran /usr/share/debian-edu-config/tools/subnet-change -n to change my subnet to the one, offered by our school board.
Rebooted immediate
Stopped service named and restarted after deleting /var/cache/bind/key* to get access the web

What works:
Log in on tjener as the user, set up during installation.

What does not work:
Log in as that user graphical on diskless workstations (hostname ltsp130) nor (ltsp22)
Changing to console 1 I can log in, getting
'No directory, logging in with HOME=/'

/skole is mounted on both

Why is /skole/tjener/home0 not?

And why are there start jobs running on the diskless workstations , dealing with sda4 & sdb2-sde2 (the ones used in tjener as swap partitions) and tjener_vg-* ?

I doubt, it happens because of subnet-change, since I have the same problem on two running installations with default net, where I don't use the installed ltsp server.

Any hints, where to look?

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