2008/2/29, David Goodenough <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

>  So looked for documentations, and found some bits and pieces in the Wiki, but
>  what I need to get started (and could not find) was a simple howto which 
> takes
>  me from installing the tools, selecting the packages that I want beyond the
>  basic set, downloading them and building them, and then building the
>  target "disk" image installing all the packages that I have build.  Does such
>  a HowTo exist anywhere?

Maybe you'd like to read and extend

>  If not I will try to write it as I go along, and contribute it back.  To that
>  end when I try to use emsource I get all kind of messages about not finding
>  the source files - this may I suppose be a problem with the mirror I normally

what are the messages?

 Héctor Orón

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