On Mon Oct 07, 2002 at 01:0052PM +0200, Urs Martini wrote:
> There was already some help from someone who presumed that
> my troubles were perhaps caused by a disconnect of my dsl-prodiver.
> I'll try to fix that tonight - hopefully that's all what I
> got to do...

It should not crash your firewall.

> But I've another question: Are the ports limited somehow?
> (up to 65000 ports perhaps?)

Urs, I don't want to be impolite now, but this question clearly shows 
you don't have much clue about TCP/IP networking. Please try to get some 
basic knowledge about the IP protocol suite. 

> My router masq's the internet-traffic from three clients
> and the last time my firewall stopped working, I watched the
> blocked ports which were all over 64000 and more...
> Is that a problem or is it just normal for a masquerading
> router?

It is normal, I guess. 

To get things running, can you please tell us what exactly happens 
("firewall crashes" ist not very precise!) Can you also  look for output 
in the logfiles, e.g., but not a complete list,  /var/log/messages, 
/var/log/kern.log. Look at the files in /var/log for the timestamp of 
the incident. 

Michael Bergbauer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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