
Can you guide me or point me to some document(s) that would allow me to
setup snort/acid on Debian. I am especially interested on running snort
and acid (apache/mysql etc) on the same machine. 

If you have time, here is the problem that I am facing...
I am not able to log into mysql. I am using woody and installed the
snort-mysql package. However, the /etc/init.d/snort script points to
/etc/snort/snort.debian.conf file as configuration file. If I add the
output database.... line in snort.debian.conf file, it gives me an
error. If I change the /etc/init.d/snort script and make it refer to
/etc/snort/snort.conf file as the default configuration file, it again
gives error. How do I make the snort daemon to log into mysql? Even
dpkg-reconfigure snort-mysql doesn't take mysql logging into account.

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