On 28 Nov 2004, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I have a bunch of developers behind a squid firewall. Only http/https
> are allowed out.  What is a simple/secure way to let the at least pull 
> CVS down from the Internet (ex: sourceforge) and preferable do CVS 
> checkins too.  An iptables masquerade is not at the top of the list of 
> options.

Permit 'CONNECT' to the cvs pserver port (2409, IIRC, but check that),
and then give them the `httptunnel', `corkscrew' or `proxychains'

That will allow them to make a vaguely passable shot at getting at the
outside world.

...alternately, talk to management and get them to alter security policy
to permit access to that service on the Internet;  it is, after all,
business related.

As usual, a non-technical solution to a non-technical problem is the
best path, where possible.


A companion, unobtrusive
Plays the song that's so elusive
And the magic music makes your morning mood.
        -- Rush, _The Spirit of Radio_, 1980

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