--- Jean-Michel Hiver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> >This was my experiance with the wondershaper as well.  Are you using
> the
> >HTB or the older qdisc?  Also I did end up using 200Kbps as my rate
> cap,
> >subjested is %80 of your bandwidth.
> >  
> >
> Well I *was* using htb and then I tried qdisc in conjunction with
I mean to say QCB, htb is perfered.  QCB is much older and so has had more
in field testing, however it's algo. is knowen to be vary inaccurate.

> shorewall (perfect piece of software for iptable allergics) which
> paradoxally *seems* to work somewhat better.
This dosen't m,ake sence, unless shorewall is blocking traffic.  Maby
shorewall has stoped some windows computer from spaming the net, like if
it had a virus?

> Pings are still at 2000ms when downloading, but it's a lot more
> tolerable than 6000+ms, so the effect is visible.
I don't use ingres at all, as it's not plesent to work with.  My
downstream is typicaly 256Kbps and raely the 3Mbps promesed.  I'm affraid
I can't realy help you with better downstream since you would seam to have
to shape to 44Kbps.

> >the more reason why ECN needs to be avalible every where, currently
> linux
> >qdiscs don't support being an ECN provider.  ECN is also vary unusable
> as
> >sites like Wellsfargo and about half a million other sites will ignore
> >you.
> >  
> >
> I have _no_ idea what ECN is. Never heard of it :-)
Explicet Congestion Notification.  It's where a router(like a core
backbone joining sprint and uunet) informs it's users(client's and servers
attached to the internet at there ISPs) of the avalible bandwith allocated
too them.  This eleveates the need for TCP's bandwith probing, which is
the real pirate(code that steals your bandwith) here.

> BTW, can you have a tip for my asterisk traffic? You know, a magic line
> I could insert that would give IAX priority above everything else? I
> have
> very little idea of what's in the script means :-(
This is the qdisc you would idealy be using, however much reading would be
requiered.  Instead simply do what I did for quake.  Add another class to
your off-root qdisc and filter traffic too it.

> IAX is easy, it's UDP and it runs on 4569.
In my script this might look something like...
add_htb_class () {
    tc class add dev $IFACE parent $1:$5 classid $1:$2 htb rate $3 $4 \
        ceil ${UPLINK}kbit

add_pfifo_qdisc () {
    tc qdisc add dev $IFACE parent $1:$2 handle $3: pfifo limit $4
    tc filter add dev $IFACE parent $1:0 prio $5 protocol ip u32 $6 \
        flowid $1:$2

# put this b4 your other service filters and it will be handeled first.
      add_htb_class 10 30 $(( $UPLINK / 14 ))kbit "burst 8k prio 0" 1
# The $(( $UPLINK / 14 )) simply means 14.  Since it's HTB any unused BW
will be used unless crate is used.
      add_pfifo_qdisc 10 30 30 500 1 \
                "match ip protocol 17 0xff match ip sport 4569 0xffff"
# protocol 17 means UDP (/etc/protocols for a list).  sport 4569 0xffff or
dport 4569 0xffff can be used.

> Ideally I need the QOS to be able to guarantee 16kbps (12 for ILBC codec
> and 4 for bits and bobs) at least for IAX - both upstream and downstream
I'm not sure if you can 'filter' downstream traffic.

> -
> and if possible leaving bandwith available when it isn't used.
csz dose this.

> How would you do that?
> Cheers,
> Jean-Michel.

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