Hello all,

There are constant connections to my box from
"mail-5.tiscali.it[]" I put "mail-5.tiscali.it" as well as
"" in the access database and did a "postmap
/etc/postfix/access" command without good results.  Logcheck always sent
emails with a
"Dec  4 15:25:33 apeiron postfix/smtpd[16109]: connect from
Dec  4 15:25:34 apeiron postfix/smtpd[16109]: 0BE7924100:
Dec  4 15:30:39 apeiron postfix/smtpd[16109]: timeout after DATA from
Dec  4 15:30:39 apeiron postfix/smtpd[16109]: disconnect from
Dec  4 15:30:39 apeiron postfix/smtpd[16109]: timeout after DATA from
+mail-5.tiscali.it[]" for example. This is a constant probing...

I am using bastille-firewall and I also put the ip address to block in
"/etc/hosts.deny".  I wonder if there is a good way to reject this
connection at the next attempt...

Thanks before hand.

-JM. “Estos días azules y este sol de la infancia “(Antonio Machado-1939)

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