gcc 2.95 fails to build on mips:

This version failed to run the tests, but otherwise built correctly:
Automatic build of gcc-2.95_2.95.4.ds1-0.010506 on reconfig.rfc822.org by 
sbuild 1.153
Build started at 20010519-1517
checking host system type... mips-mips-linux-gnu
checking target system type... mips-mips-linux-gnu
checking build system type... mips-mips-linux-gnu

This version fails to build.  I've attached the build log:
Automatic build of gcc-2.95_2.95.4.ds2-0.010522 on reconfig.rfc822.org by 
sbuild 1.153
Build started at 20010527-2012
checking build system type... mips-unknown-linux-gnu
checking host system type... mips-mips-linux-gnu
checking target system type... mips-mips-linux-gnu

config.guess reports mips-unknown-linux-gnu as the system
type.  (it hasn't changed recently)

On a somewhat related note, gcc-3.0_3.0.ds6-0pre010526 fails to build with
an internal error:
../../src/gcc/unwind-dw2.c:1123: Internal error: Segmentation fault

Debian/MIPS currently uses 2.95 as the default compiler (as gcc-defaults 0.8
hasn't hit the archive yet, and I won't be uploading it until things are
working again), and generates incorrect syntax in the assembly in some

Ryan Murray, Debian Developer ([EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED])
The opinions expressed here are my own.

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