>  -----Opprinnelig melding-----
> Fra:  Bjørn Elstad  
> Sendt:        22. august 2001 16:14
> Til:  'debian-gcc@lists.debian.org'
> Emne: g77
> Two problems
>    Redhad Linux 7.1  (Sawfish)  I just chose "upgrade .."
>    Linux kernel    2.4.9  (as far as I remember)
>    g77   (egc nr ??? ...,   the project contains also  c-files,  io is
> controlled by c-files.).
>  1.  Fortran 77 error 
> ===============
>      It seems that Ichar now results a signed integer.  It is probably
> related to integer (kind=1) ...
>     This disrupts  my "parsing tables".
>     -funsigned-chr   does not seem to work.
[Bjørn Elstad]  > 

I found an error in c-code. 
A variable that should be type-cast'ed to off_t.
This may be the whole problem ...
It takes some time to test it, so forget this last question.

But the ichar problem remains!

>  2.   Large_Files
> ============
>       In a sample c-program it seemed to be enough to define
>       (I did not define _LARGE_FILE_SOURCE.)
>       Loading with g77 and calling file-io via the c-routines compiled as
> above does not
>       seem to work
> - bjørn
> =================
> Bjørn Elstad, Ephorma AS 
> Tlf: 0 23 26 (sentralbord)

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