G++ emits strange warning. It is really annoying me, because I include similar
header to many files.

This is the code.
=== begin ===
template <class _TTN, class _TNK>
class A
 typedef _TTN _TN;

template <class _NY, class _TN>
class B : virtual public A <_TN, _NY>
 _TN func () = 0;
=== end ===

This warning message is emitted (command is "g++ -c error.cpp"):
=== begin ===
error.cpp:13: warning: lookup of `_TN' finds `class _TN'
error.cpp:13: warning:   instead of `typename B<_NY,_TN>::_TN' from dependent
base class
error.cpp:13: warning:   (use `typename B::_TN' if that's what you meant)
=== end ===

Note that if you displace template parameters, i.e. write "template <class _TN,
class _NY>", this annoying warning won't be emitted.

I think, this is a compiler bug.

This bug takes place in (almost) any version of g++ in Debian (from 2.95.2 to
I haven't tried 3.0.2-pre.

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