
This is merely an automated notification mail from the ddts 'Debian Description
Translation Server'.

A translator recently uploaded a new version of the description of this
package. The descriptions are included below.

For more information about this mail and the ddts, please visit this page:

Thanks for your attention.
#from: "Roessner, Horst" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
#id: d6a74314d2779a81c658c2a5479661e5
#lang_postfix: de
#packages: libffi2-dev
Description: Foreign Function Interface library development
 A foreign function interface is the popular name for the interface that
 allows code written in one language to call code written in another
Description-de: Foreign Function Interface Entwicklungsbibliothek
 Foreign function interface ist der gängige Name für eine Schnittstelle, die
 es erlaubt Code, geschrieben in einer Sprache, durch in einer anderen Sprache
 geschriebenen Code aufzurufen.

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