> > - require changes to glibc
> > - thus fail to work on older versions of glibc
> > - may break support for older C++ compiler in glibc
> > - break the iostreams ABI of g++ 3.0.
> > 
> > To my knowledge, nothing has been done beyond considering solutions so
> > far, but you may ask on the libstdc++ list for their analysis of the
> > current state of affairs.
> Well, the problem isn't so much with glibc anymore, since 3.0 doesn't use
> bits and pieces of glibc for I/O like we did in 2.x.  (Not even on Linux.)

That exactly is the problem. If stdio and iostreams were still
integrated, performance would be ok even if they are synchronized.

I think it is desirable to restore a state where they are. The HOWTO
answer you cite is misleading: It suggests that there is no better
solution than to require every application to avoid stdio. This is not

IMHO, it is also bad advice: stdio is perfect for many
applications. There is nothing wrong with using it in C++, too, and
even together with iostreams. It is sync_with_stdio that is the hack.



perhaps Debian should use --enable-cstdio to build GCC 3?


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