-- System Information -------------------------------------------
Debian Release: stable on Pentium III
Kernel Version: Linux 2.2.18pre21/2.2.19
gcc version: 2.95.2


While trying to optimize some C code for speed, we have
encountered what we think is a very strange bug with gcc: the
execution time depends on the name of the executable (!). As an
example, here is a bares bones C code snippet which reproduces
the problem:

/* strange.c ==================================================*/

#define N 1000000000

double content()
    return 0;

int main()
    int    i;
    double bucket=0;

    for (i=0; i<N; i++)
        bucket += content();

    return 0;


When we compile this program (gcc strange.c) and time its
execution (time a.out) we obtain:

       real    0m23.247s
       user    0m23.240s
       sys     0m0.000s

where "user" is the time we are interested in. Upon renaming the
executable we find two widely different execution times:

       trial    name of executable              user time (s)
       1        a                               23.24
       2        aa                              23.25
       3        aaa                             23.24
       4        aaaa                            23.24
       5        aaaaa                                   49.92
       6        aaaaaa                                  49.91
       7        aaaaaaa                                 49.92
       8        aaaaaaaa                                49.92
       9        aaaaaaaaa                               49.91
       10       aaaaaaaaaa                              49.90
       11       aaaaaaaaaaa                             49.90
       12       aaaaaaaaaaaa                            49.94
       13       aaaaaaaaaaaaa                   23.24   
       14       aaaaaaaaaaaaaa                  23.21
       15       aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa                 23.39
       16       aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa                23.62
       17       aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa               23.79
       18       aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa              23.82
       19       aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa             23.57
       20       aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa            22.83
       21       aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa                   48.06
       22       aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa                  49.02
       23       aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa                 49.93
       24       aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa                49.91

We are not familiar with the intricate workings of the compiler,
but this must have to do with an alignment problem when the
executable is launched, as the changes typically occur when the
name length is increased by 8 bytes. This is a serious bug since
in our simple example it more than doubles the execution time
when we choose a "bad" name!

We have reproduced the problem on Pentium III machine with gcc
2.95, with a variety of kernels, and with C and C++ codes of
varying complexity. The "time" function is not the culprit, since
we can confirm our results with a wall clock.

We would like to know:

1) Does this behavior occur on other systems?

2) Is this a known issue?

3) Can the cause of the problem be identified?

4) Is there any workaround (e.g. compiler option)?

Thanks a bunch,

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