On Fri, 15 Feb 2002, Scott Venier wrote:

> any chance you have a similar patch to qlogicisp.c?  I'm getting a panic 
> on line 1047 (in 2.4.17's version of qlogicisp.c).  Though, I also got 
> that panic using gcc 2.95.2, but not using gcc 2.96 (not sure which 
> particular one).

I don't know much about the qlogicisp driver since I don't have one (I
stick to symbios chips on my alphas since I'm VERY familiar with them from
my API days).  Is that line the memcpy line?  If so, what are the details
on the panic?  Also, does compiling without optimisation prevent the panic
from happening?

> Will do.
> Thanks for the first patch.

No prob.  Things look pretty good for the 3.1 branch being created soon,
which means we're one step closer to replacing 2.95.x as our compiler :-)


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