On Sat, Aug 31, 2002 at 04:07:36PM -0400, Phil Edwards wrote:
> On Sat, Aug 31, 2002 at 02:17:45PM +0200, Tobias Hunger wrote:
> > This
> > is very annoying as you need to fill in all the gory details if you want
> > to have a string of something else (like string<size_t> to hold a list
> Well, yeah.  "all the gory details" /depend/ on the type you choose;
> they cannot be guessed by a default implementation.

I should add that the recent August archives of the libstdc++ list
(gcc.gnu.org) have examples of how to do the gory details.  They will
be formalized into note in the online docs as soon as someone (read: me)
has the time, and possibly may be coded into an <ext/something> header.


I would therefore like to posit that computing's central challenge, viz. "How
not to make a mess of it," has /not/ been met.
                                                 - Edsger Dijkstra, 1930-2002

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