On Fri, Dec 27, 2002 at 03:58:14PM -0000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >Originator:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]

GAAAH!  Now the braindead BTS will email "info received" messages to
gcc-gnats, which will file them away as "bug reports I wasn't able to parse,"
which means somebody will have to go through and weed them all out manually.

Please tell me that the Debian BTS will recognize the gcc-gnats address as
a special case and not send anything to it automatically.  Or (hint, hint)
provide a general way for people to /tell/ the BTS, "hey, stop sending me
the automated crap".

Annoyingly, there's no easy documented way to add oneself to the list of
recipients of an existing BTS number, and there's no way to remove oneself
from getting junk from the BTS itself.

> On Sat, Aug 31, 2002 at 04:07:36PM -0400, Phil Edwards wrote:
> I should add that the recent August archives of the libstdc++ list
> (gcc.gnu.org) have examples of how to do the gory details.  They will
> be formalized into note in the online docs as soon as someone (read: me)
> has the time, and possibly may be coded into an <ext/something> header.

That's been done:  

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