Synopsis: gcc doesn't diagnose, that the compiler exceeds a compiler limit

State-Changed-From-To: open->closed
State-Changed-By: rth
State-Changed-When: Sun Jan 26 09:39:58 2003
    This isn't a compiler problem.  There is no compiler limit that
    has been exceeded.  Indeed, the executable generated looks fine.
    The kernel, however, is refusing to map the very large bss
    segment.  Perhaps your ulimit is set too low?  Perhaps you
    don't have enough VM to satisfy the request?
    In fact, if I enable a 2G swap file, and link the program
    statically, then it runs just fine.
    (If you don't link statically, then crashes.  I suspect
    a different kernel bug, in that it's not adjusting where it
    maps based on the large bss segment.)

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