Synopsis: optimisation on sparc leads to unalligned access in memcpy Responsible-Changed-From-To: unassigned->rth Responsible-Changed-By: rth Responsible-Changed-When: Sun Jan 26 10:13:38 2003 Responsible-Changed-Why: . State-Changed-From-To: open->closed State-Changed-By: rth State-Changed-When: Sun Jan 26 10:13:38 2003 State-Changed-Why: I'm fairly sure this has been discussed before, but I can't find the reference right away. The problem is known, and I consider the input program incorrect. The problem is that alignof(struct iphdr) == 4, and yet the given pointer to that structure is only 2 byte aligned. This violates section, to wit: If the resulting pointer is not correctly aligned for the pointed-to type, the behavior is undefined. GCC uses this clause to infer from the type of the pointer the alignment that it *must* have. There are two solutions for this piece of code. One, use packed data structures, so that they are 1 byte aligned. In this case something like struct iphdr_u { struct iphdr h __attribute__((packed)); }; followed by &tmp_iphdr->h.saddr Two, don't cast to struct iphdr at all. Instead use offsetof to find the proper displacement into the buffer.