Hi Randolph,

>>> I am looking to rebuild gcc-3.3 64bits to rebuild the last kernel 2.4
>>> conitnue my investigation about smp(64bits) [which failled to boot on
>>> when compile d with gcc-3.2 get from unofficial-debs].
>>If you are working on 64-bit, I would advise staying with 3.0.4 for
>>now.... no one has tested 3.3 hppa64-linux-gcc at all, so it will just
>>be introducing more unknowns into the problem.
>Ok I am gonna try to rebuild it with gcc-3.0.
Well just a small follow up to say that I had not much success with gcc-3.0

Also I did some other test:
this same kernel (smp64) boots well on a b2k (pa8600 up),
it boots also well on the N4000 when I 'disable' the second cpu?

(It seems to fail before 'Add swap...' but not sure because I notice that
all boot blabla is not output to the console [ie compare to dmesg nothing
is print out before 'sym53c8xx: at PCI...']?)

I will so try to ack dump_analyser to see how may I got analyse of the piminfo
which I grab from the two processor.

See you,

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