On Tue, Apr 22, 2003 at 14:08:19 -0400, Matt Zimmerman wrote:
> This looks like a genuine bug.

I concur.

> So /lib/64 is a symlink in libc6-sparc64, but a directory in libgcc1.

libgcc1 should be changed to install in /lib64 rather than /lib/64 .

On Sat, Apr 26, 2003 at 09:19:48 +0200, Martin v. Löwis wrote:
> In any case, I suggest to apply a work-around: Fixing the bug may take
> days, months, or years.
> The work-around could be to install the package with force.

On Sat, Apr 26, 2003 at 14:27:21 +0200, Felix Havemann wrote:
> How would I do that? Isn't a part of the problem, that one package needs a
> symlink at the same place where an other package needs to place a
> directory?

I'm not sure what the result of dpkg --force-overwrite would be in this
case. Personally, I wouldn't try it except on a testing machine that can be
reinstalled without great loss.

> This raises the question why to use debian on a sparc system in the first
> place. This is a serious bug and apparently nobody want's to fix it.

Sure, it's all part of a big conspiracy against you.

Please try to get some perspective. The project currently has 700+ release
critical bugs, and probably a few thousand open non-critical bugs, all of
which we'd like to fix in principle.

Being volunteers with limited time, we prioritise work by what
interests/affects us the most. If you're unhappy with our priorities, feel
free to offer monetary incentives to change them. Emotional blackmail ("I'll
run Red Hat if you don't fix this") won't work.

> If I'd be able to do so I would, but I'm not.
> I am using debian on many sparc-systems. If this problem persists, I will
> have to move to an other distri.

Debian supports 11 or so architectures. Except for port-specific
distributions like mklinux, the other distributions see x86 as their primary
platform and their support for non-x86 architectures is quite limited. I
strongly suspect moving to another distribution will be a painful and
probably futile exercise.

> This is something I do not want at all. My company is very connected to
> the debian project

Apparently your company has a high interest in seeing Debian's sparc port
improved. Perhaps it can offer some financial incentives to developers to
work on the problems you're running into?

In any case, back to the original problem. An "egrep -rl 'lib/?64' . | wc -l"
in an unpacked gcc-3.0-3.0.4ds3 source tree shows that at most some 11 files
are likely to need a few minor changes to move from /lib/64 to /lib64, and
at least 3 of them aren't relevant to the sparc architecture. That's not a
big job, but it's quite difficult to do without an actual sparc(64) system
to test on. You may want to have a go at it yourself.

Those who are willing to trade their liberty for security deserve neither.
        Benjamin Franklin

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