tracked down more information on this problem:

installation of gcc 3.3 causes installation of libstdc++5 causes
libgcc1 to fail for all programs linked with gcc 3.2.

that means that i cannot use reportbug without downgrading back
to gcc 3.2 which i cannot easily do because i now have packages
on my system that depend on gcc 3.3: if i attempt to downgrade
by removing unstable from the sources.list the problems caused
by this "solution" become even worse than the

please fix this one soon, for your own sanity and peace of mind
to minimise the number of people who may end up in a similar
nightmare situation.


p.s. i cannot even use reportbug any more because reportbug relies
on python2.2-optik which depends on python2.2 which depends on
libstdc++5 which now conflicts with python2.2...

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