
I like the idea of this in principle.  In practice though, I think
I'd rather see it start out as more of a best practices guide, drawing
from the lessons learned in the existing packages (and not only Debian
ones), than an attempt at making policy right off the bat.

Before enshining any of this in policy, it should have the acceptance of
upstream compiler folk, and probably of people packaging cross compilers
for other dists and the FHS folk too.

I ideally want to be able to take any piece of software and build it
native and (where applicable) cross without excessive prior debianisation.
To do that we need wide agreement on the toolchain interface.

For that reason (among others) I have bad feelings about the idea of
moving support files into /usr/share anytime soon.

I like the idea of moving as much as possible into the mainstream gcc
release and building all toolchains from a single source, but I think
a realistic approach involves exciting the upstream patch maintainers
to do this.  I know it is a goal of the mingw folk to minimise the
amount of code they have outside the main gcc cvs, but I also know
how much additional work the packages would demand if they weren't
simple wrappers around the upstream design decisions.  (so browse the
contents of the mingw packages if you want to see the locations its
upstream currently advocate)

If you're going to have c-compiler-<arch> as a virtual package, then
you're also going to want {c++,objc,fortran,pascal,java,etc}-compiler-
a mix of which each package might provide.

The section on target runtimes needs to take into account that not all
compilers will produce compatible object files.  A binary package may
need to depend on g++-<arch> since not all packages supplying
c++-compiler- may work with it.

See bts #165848 for prior rantage on /usr/arch/bin.

I've also added debian-gcc to the cc.  If anyone from there would like
to chime in, they probably carry a more current and informed opinion
than mine.


On Fri, May 23, 2003 at 11:05:14AM +0200, Jeremie Koenig wrote:
> Well, my humble excuses to those of you who got the weird message. Using
> xargs with mutt... I really should go to sleep :(
> I just wanted to drop you a note, as maintainers of cross compiling
> packages. I'm preparing packages for a DJGPP (DOS) cross-compiler
> together with Victor (cc'ed above), and i remarked that cross-compilers
> didn't follow any common guidelines in debian. So I drafted something
> i'd like to submit to you.
> If you find some time, could you have a quick look ?
> Please tell me if you're interested by the initiative, so i won't bother
> any longer those who aren't.
> -- 
> Jeremie Koenig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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