Fredrick Paul Eisele <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> /usr/include/c++/3.2/bits/stl_vector.h:893: no matching function for
> call to `Field::Field(const Field&)'

Are you reporting some kind of bug, or are you merely requesting a new

If this is a bug report: What is the bug? What is the specific source
code file you are trying to compile, what error message did you get,
and what result did you expect instead?

If this is a feature request: The behaviour of the standard library
containers is mandated by the C++ standard. This explains, with great
details, what a compiler is and is not allowed to accept. If I
interpret your requested feature correctly, it would be a violation of
the C++ standard, so g++ cannot implement it. You should first
convince the C++ committee to change C++, and can then file a bug that
g++ does not implement the standard.


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