Jan-Benedict Glaw <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Would Debian accept two ix86 distributions? One i386 and, say, i[56]86?

Most developers probably would, if presented with a sound plan that
makes that happen and has no downsides (except for the obvious one
that ftp archives will need more space).

One issue is to consider whether the current i386 distribution
"becomes" the i586 distribution (which most people probably would
agree it should), and if so, how to migrate all existing installations
(which people would prefer to not touch at all), and, if the
architecture name "i386" really indicates "i586+" in 2003, then what
name should the i386-proper architecture use?

> I'd even volunteer to rebuild all the packages... What's needed for
> that?

That is part of the problem. Somebody would need to identify all
necessary changes in advance, convince people, and in general "make it
happen". No such volunteer has materialized, and any potential
volunteer should expect not only technical but also social challenges.


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