>Submitter-Id:  net
>Originator:    Stefan Karrmann
>Confidential:  no
>Synopsis:      nearbyint returns always 895
>Severity:      serious
>Priority:      medium
>Category:      c
>Class:         wrong-code
>Release:       3.0.3 (Debian testing/unstable)
System: Linux johann 2.4.21 #2 Sun Aug 17 20:52:39 CEST 2003 i686 unknown
Architecture: i686

host: i686-pc-linux-gnu
build: i686-pc-linux-gnu
target: i686-pc-linux-gnu
configured with: ./configure --enable-languages=c++
        Calling nearbyint returns always 895.0
        Compile and run:

#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>

void show (double x)
   printf("nearbyint(%+.3e) = %d\n", x, (int)(nearbyint(x)));
   if(0.0 == x) return;
   x = -x;
   printf("nearbyint(%+.3e) = %d\n", x, (int)(nearbyint(x)));
   x = 1/x;
   printf("nearbyint(%+.3e) = %d\n", x, (int)(nearbyint(x)));
   x = -x;
   printf("nearbyint(%+.3e) = %d\n", x, (int)(nearbyint(x)));

int main ()


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