[CCing to debian-alpha]

As Chris (currently listed as package maintainer for gcc alpha) seems
to be away, I'll ask on debian-alpha (Falk?), if this patch should be
included. In that case the documentation should be changed to
explicitely mention Debian instead of Linux.

Tyson Whitehead writes:
> On Sunday 28 September 2003 14:54, you wrote:
> > did you submit this patch upstream? If not, please can you do and
> > attach the upstream PR?
> >
> > Thanks, Matthias
> Hi Matthias.  I'm not quite sure by what you mean be upstream.  Is it a 
> Debian 
> thing or a GNU thing.  If it's the later, I posted a message on GNU GCC 
> mailing list about it a month or two ago.
> It didn't go anywhere.  Richard Henderson (the Alpha fellow from Red Hat) 
> said 
> he wouldn't accept it into the general GCC unless all users of GCC (i.e. BSD, 
> etc) came forward and said they wanted it.
> He also gave three reasons why he personally didn't like it:
> 1- The default under DEC C is to not IEEE compliance
> 2- IEEE compliance leads to 'severe' performance penalties
> 3- The vast majority of SIGFPEs are due to unitialized data reads
> While one and three might be true (timing tests show that two is just plain 
> wrong), they miss the point of the patch.
> The patch is intended to help achieve the goal of having as many packages as 
> possible run on the Debian Alpha distribution as possible (without needing to 
> specify Alpha specific flags).
> This means matching the GNU defaults on the other Debian architectures, and 
> that just happens to be IEEE compliant libraries and code.
> Thanks  -T
> -- 
>  Tyson Whitehead  ([EMAIL PROTECTED] -- WSC-)
>  Computer Engineer                        Dept. of Applied Mathematics,
>  Graduate Student- Applied Mathematics    University of Western Ontario,
>  GnuPG Key ID# 0x8A2AB5D8                 London, Ontario, Canada

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