On Sat, Nov 01, 2003 at 06:35:48PM -0600, Kenneth Pronovici wrote:
>    No there is no way to confirm this any more because NBIO does not
>    compile any more with the current compiler, can you try it and tell
>    how to download NBIO and compile it?
> NBIO does compile and is not difficult to find; but no one really needed
> me to provide this information, as the nbio source package and
> libnbio2-java binary package are right there in main, where apt-cache
> can easily find them.

You may have been confused by the multiple layers of bug tracking going
on here.  The above was written by an upstream GCC maintainer, who isn't
necessarily running Debian.

On top of that, it is longstanding GCC policy to refuse bug reports of
the form "go download the source from blahblahblah and build it yourself".
[implied:  "and you'll /surely/ get the exact same error I got because all
systems are identical, aren't they?]".  I assumed you weren't familiar with
this rule, which is why I suggested reading the bug reporting guidelines.

That's why "just apt-get from sid" doesn't do anything to help.

What more information do we need?  For a C-family language, it would be
"complete preprocessed source, and all compiler diagnostics."  I'm not a
Java maintainer, but I believe they need something similar.  Does that help?

I would therefore like to posit that computing's central challenge, viz. "How
not to make a mess of it," has /not/ been met.
                                                 - Edsger Dijkstra, 1930-2002

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