On Mon, Jan 05, 2004 at 09:58:32PM -0500, Jeff Dike wrote:

> > It turns out that this problem seems to be due to compiler
> > incompatibility. UML had been built with gcc 2.95 due to old breakage,
> > and when built with gcc 3.3 (as glibc is), everything starts working
> > again.  My suspicion is that this is due to certain recent changes in
> > pthreads.
> Is it your opinion that there's no problem in UML itself?  Having a field
> in the sigcontext getting magically munged is somewhat worrying.  I'd be 
> happier knowing what exactly was happening so I can be sure this wasn't
> exposing some subtle UML bug.

I was not able to come to a satisfactory conclusion as to the origin of the
problem, and once I found a solution, I stopped looking.  I'm copying
debian-gcc and debian-glibc in case they're interested.

Summary for debian-{gcc,glibc}:

UML built with gcc-2.95 fails to run correctly on a current unstable system
with a 2.4 kernel.  The symptoms are very strange; This started to happen 
recently; UML had been building
with gcc 2.95 successfully for over 9 months now with no problems.

Details are here: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=224431

 - mdz

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