> And maybe Nikita could update the cross packaging bits?


Seems that at last I've got something that works - at least it does the 
same that my patches for gcc-3.3 did.

Patch (against gcc 3.4 source package downloaded 2 weeks ago from from 
http://people.debian.org/~doko/gcc-3.4/) is attached.

Since 3.3, there are some upstream changes related to cross-compiler build.

Upstream Makefile in gcc 3.4 uses $program_transform_name to append 
target-alias to tool names (e.g. to convert "gcc" to "arm-linux-gcc").
In gcc 3.3 this conversion was explicit.

Currently, if either of --program-prefix, --program-suffix or 
--program-transfrom-name is passed to gcc 3.4's configure, it fails to set 
up proper $program_transform_name, and target-alias prefix is not added to 
tool names.

I workarounded that by adding explicit --program-prefix to configure call 
from debian/rules2
Once I did that, I faced a bug in gcc's configure.in (propagated to 
configure) - it fails to handle properly situation when both 
--program-prefix and --program-suffix are given. The bug is trivial to 
fix, and is fixed in debian/patches/cross-configure.dpatch, but since 
configure is not recreated from configure.in during debian package build, 
I have to patch configure directly, which is definitly a bad idea.

Another problem is that gcc 3.4's build system seems to assume that 
binutils are built together with (cross-)gcc, so same 
$program_transform_name is applied to "nm", "ar" and similar - instead of 
using autoconf-detected available tools. Of course "arm-linux-nm-3.4" is 
not available, so build fails.
There is explicit code in configure.in (and configure) that overwrites 
detected tool names and replaces them with not working ones. So I fixed 
that also by disabling that code (after all, we are not gouing to build 
binutils together with gcc, are we?). This is second part of 
cross-configure.dpatch, and again it modifies configure directly, which is 

After finding and fixing the above and making some technical changes in 
debian/rules* and debian/rules.d/*cross*, I was able to build 
cross-compiler and cross-library debs:

Both arm-linux-gcc-3.4 and arm-linux-g++-3.4, installed on my x86 host 
(together with dpkg-cross'ed glibc), create valid binaries that work on my 

Several more notes:

- There is a typo in debian/control related to move to non-epoched 
versions: gcc-3.4 depends on libgcc1 (>= 3.4), but it should depend on
libgcc1 (>= 1:3.4) - libgcc1 version is still epoched.
I've fixed this in debian/control.m4, but not in debian/control (later 
seems to be always re-created during package build). 

- The change in README.cross mentions a way to build cross-binutils from 
binutils package source, and is also appropriate to gcc-3.3 packages.

- Installing both 3.3 and 3.4 cross compiler packages on the same host 
works; update-alternatives is used to manage target-alias-gcc and 
target-alias-g++ links. Priorities for alternatives are currently 
hardcoded in debian/gcc-cross.postinst both in gcc-3.3 and gcc-3.4 source 
packages. Currently, 3.3 is preferred by default.

I hope to hear some feedback to know what to do next.


Attachment: cross.diff.bz2
Description: BZip2 compressed data

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