Breaking news alert issue - big news coming.

Allixon International Corporation
A X C P . P K

We give it to you again as a gift. This company is doing
incredible things. They have cash and have made great 
strategic aquisitions. Current price is $4.70. 
Short term projection is $8. This company has dropped 
big new's in the past. Who's to say they don't have 
another big one.

What was once thought can never be unthought.     
By whom?           

Don't let it end like this. Tell them I said something.  
I could prove God statistically.        
The journey of a thousand leagues begins from beneath your feet.  
Man is more ape than many of the apes.    
I can't complain, but sometimes I still do.     
When you betray somebody else, you also betray yourself.    

Education's purpose is to replace an empty mind with an open one. 
All general statements are false.        
Words calculated to catch everyone may catch no one.    
Anything you fully do is an alone journey.     
The worst prison would be a closed heart.     
All general statements are false.        
Chastity: the most unnatural of the sexual perversions.     
Men for the sake of getting a living forget to live.  
England has forty-two religions and only two sauces.     
#3532. The law neither does nor requires idle acts.    

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