[I haven't cc'd debian-release@lists.debian.org or [EMAIL PROTECTED]

On Wed, Dec 14, 2005 at 12:48:50PM +0100, Matthias Klose wrote:
> I think it's wrong to add conflicts to libstdc++6. we'll end up with
> an unmanagable long list of conflicts. can the conflict be added to
> some basic gtk package instead?

`apt-get install scim' (which upgraded no packages other than some
others from the scim source package) was enough to fix the problem.[*1]
In particular, no "basic gtk package" was upgraded between the bug
occurring and not occurring.

[*1]: Though possibly my testing wasn't thorough enough to detect a
      problem: see below.

If I downgrade scim back to 1.0.2-3, and upgrade gedit and all of its
direct dependencies to the versions in unstable, then the problem still
persists.  If I then re-upgrade scim to 1.4.2-1 then... Oh.  gedit comes
up OK, but I can get it to crash with a bit of typing using scim.  I can
fix that crash by recompiling aspell from source.

Having found problems with scim and now aspell, I wonder what other
crashes are waiting to be discovered?

The choices I see (all unpleasant) are:

  (i) libstdc++6 Conflicts with both scim (<< 1.4.2-1) and
      libaspell15 (<< 0.60.4-2) [which doesn't even exist yet]
      and hope these are the only two needed packages.

  (ii) Do nothing: the crashes will eventually go away
       when people get around to upgrading their scim and aspell

  (iii) Force mass recompiles again, e.g. by renaming the libstdc++6
        package and bumping the soname.

  (iv) Maybe some clever runtime trick to detect the problem and give a
       more helpful error message?

Hopefully I've missed something.  So far my preferences are (i) and
perhaps (iv).


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