On Sat, Jul 01, 2006 at 12:41:54AM +0200, Vincent Fourmond wrote:
>   There definitely *is* a problem in the last iteration. I wonder if it is a 
> compiler bug or a 
> processor bug -- I can't speak assembler anymore.

This rather looks like UB or such.

> int main()
> {
>   unsigned long iters;
>   int i;
>   for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
>     iters = 1 << (unsigned long) i; 

Hmm, I'm pretty sure that the type of "signed int" << "unsigned long" is
"signed int". (Yes it is, see 6.5.7.) "signed int" is 32 bits long and
the largest value is 2^31-1. 2^31 overflows and the overflow behaviour
of signed integers is undefined.

>     printf("iteration %d,  iters = %lu\n", i, iters);
>   }
> }

This code produces undefined behavour.


Our way is peace.
                -- Septimus, the Son Worshiper, "Bread and Circuses",
                   stardate 4040.7.

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