Package: gij-4.3
Version: 4.3.2-2

Debian Version: Lenny

I have tried to install with apt-get. By
default, it seems that apt-get now install too the Deps
Recommends, so while I install it install
me a big list of dependencies (with lots of *java* things)
including gij-4.3. And there is a problem with the --configure
process. I am sorry it is in French but it look like that :

$ sudo apt-get install
Selection du paquet libecj-java-gcj precedemment deselectionne.
Depaquetage de libecj-java-gcj (A  partir de 
.../libecj-java-gcj_3.3.0+0728-9_i386.deb) ...
Traitement des actions differees (« triggers ») pour 
« man-db »...
Parametrage de gij-4.3 (4.3.2-2) ...
/var/lib/dpkg/info/gij-4.3.postinst: line 29: 17341 Erreur de
gcj-dbtool-4.3 -n /var/lib/gcj-4.3/classmap.db
dpkg : erreur de traitement de gij-4.3 (--configure) :
le sous-processus post-installation script a retourne une erreur
de sortie d'etat 2
 dpkg : des problemes de dependances empechent la configuration
de java-gcj-compat-headless :
  java-gcj-compat-headless depend de gij-4.3 (>= 4.3) ;
cependant :
   Le paquet gij-4.3 n'est pas encore configure.
   dpkg : erreur de traitement de java-gcj-compat-headless 
(--configure) :
    problemes de dependances - laisse non configure
    Parametrage de zlib1g-dev (1: ...
    Parametrage de libecj-java (3.3.0+0728-9) ...
etc, etc...

So nothing is configured because of gij-4.3 :
# dpkg --configure gij-4.3
Parametrage de gij-4.3 (4.3.2-2) ...
/var/lib/dpkg/info/gij-4.3.postinst: line 29: 17379 Erreur de
gcj-dbtool-4.3 -n /var/lib/gcj-4.3/classmap.db
dpkg : erreur de traitement de gij-4.3 (--configure) :
 le sous-processus post-installation script a retourne une
erreur de sortie d'etat 2
 Des erreurs ont ete rencontrees pendant l'execution :

I wasn't able to find the classmap.db

Well I solved my problem with a little help of a friend who told
me to add the option --no-install-recommends to apt-get. So I've
removed all the packages including,
gij-4.3, *java* stuffs and made :

# apt-get install --no-install-recommends

This time, no depends were there, no *java* and no gij-4.3, just wich is running fine on my box.

The problem is solved for me, but maybe someone wants to check
where is the issue with this gij-4.3 ?

$ apt-get --version
apt 0.7.19 pour i386 compile sur Nov 25 2008 08:49:49
Modules reconnus :
*Ver: Standard .deb
*Pkg:  Debian dpkg interface (Priority 30)
S.L: 'deb' Standard Debian binary tree
S.L: 'deb-src' Standard Debian source tree
Idx: Debian Source Index
Idx: Debian Package Index
Idx: Debian Translation Index
Idx: Debian dpkg status file

$ apt-cache policy gij-4.3
  Installee : (aucun)
  Candidat : 4.3.2-2
 Table de version :
       4.3.2-2 0
          500 lenny/main Packages

With all respect,
CGB 'i' S.
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