Processing commands for

> reassign 543158 lib32stdc++6
Bug #543158 [libc6-i386] [libc6-i386] Can't upgrade Sid
Bug reassigned from package 'libc6-i386' to 'lib32stdc++6'.
Bug No longer marked as found in versions eglibc/2.9-18.
> forcemerge 537466 543158
Bug#537466: Couldn't configure pre-depend libc6-i386 for lib32stdc++6
Bug#543158: [libc6-i386] Can't upgrade Sid
Bug#537505: Couldn't configure pre-depend libc6-i386 for lib32stdc++6
Bug#542847: [libc6-i386] Can't upgrade Sid
Forcibly Merged 537466 537505 542847 543158.

End of message, stopping processing here.

Please contact me if you need assistance.

Debian bug tracking system administrator
(administrator, Debian Bugs database)

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